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环山旅馆全员忙着筹备圣诞节倒数活动,凡事要求完美的颜怡幽却屡屡受挫,她的自信备受动摇。 与此同时,R城中学网球队遭遇交通事故而惨死,造成多名鬼球员作祟,颜怡幽也成了他们伤害的目标之一。她觉得被鬼缠身的自己成了同伴的累赘,心情更加沮丧。 在调查鬼球员事件时,众人发现此事牵涉到学弟雷全谊和R城中学...
View full details水瓶座の消失
欧镇消一家人刚搬到石庄村,就打破村庄宁静的生活! 村内有人喝了井水而中毒,许多家禽也在隔天离奇死亡,而杨懿诗更发现这家新邻居想偷偷搬走。 村民们认定是欧镇消下的毒手,就强行将他关押。随着村内的号角声响起,许多军警入驻并封锁村庄。此时,一个疯言疯语的老奶奶,不只对杨懿诗与杨承义姐弟俩提出惊人的要...
View full details校园鬼学长
令人闻风丧胆的校园鬼学长——鬼冥玄,为了守护家族和自己的秘密,选择用冷漠武装自己。一次机缘,让他与按照奶奶遗愿前来学校就读的柳寒绯相遇。 柳寒绯必须尽快找出“人间鬼子”的下落,并将它消灭。然而,一次意外,竟让她记起了前世时,她与鬼家之间的纠葛。 鬼冥玄和柳寒绯在前世今生的感情羁绊下,会做出什么...
View full details好想见到你
温骏被偶然邂逅的爱丽丝纠缠,感到莫名其妙。碰巧的是,班上新来的转学生就是爱丽丝,并坐在他身边的空位! 那个座位空置许久,只因原先坐在那里的同学落英已香消玉殒。然而,当爱丽丝再次出现,做出和落英一样的举动,不仅让所有人错愕,更让温骏心痛。 殊不知爱丽丝已找了他很久,原因竟然和他最爱的...
View full details校园占卜师
Wrapped in secrets, the aloof and proud young man, Luo Huachen, and the naive girl aspiring to become a fortune teller, Jiang Yuexi, are childhood ...
View full details小魔女侦探哈娜——侦探也可以当网红吗?
钱仙的出现是怎么回事? 灵异短视频和动漫展竟隐藏神秘案件? 小魔女哈娜原本只是想参观阿川的学校,不料却那么“有缘”碰上这些怪事(哎,谁想要这种缘分啦!)。且看哈娜和阿川如何运用天马行空的推理,一步步揭开案发现场伪装的面纱!
Siri Harry Potter dengan Putera Berdarah Kacukan
Siri novel Harry Potter yang ada diantaranya telah diadaptasikan kepada filem ini bukan sahaja memberi pengalaman membaca yang menyeronokkan, malah...
View full details自从遇见你
On Christmas Eve, lonely Yu Jie pondered on the balcony, as he always did, welcoming the arrival of Christmas alone. However, his world was suddenl...
View full details达斯丁死里逃生之 奇运转生
The girl Avi, burdened with the vendetta of her annihilated clan, decisively abandons escape and chooses to seclude herself in the forest with her ...
View full detailsSiri Harry Potter dengan Azimat Maut
Siri novel Harry Potter yang ada diantaranya telah diadaptasikan kepada filem ini bukan sahaja memberi pengalaman membaca yang menyeronokkan, malah...
View full detailsSiri Harry Potter dalam Kumpulan Phoenix
Siri novel Harry Potter yang ada diantaranya telah diadaptasikan kepada filem ini bukan sahaja memberi pengalaman membaca yang menyeronokkan, malah...
View full detailsSiri Harry Potter dalam Piala Api
Siri novel Harry Potter yang ada diantaranya telah diadaptasikan kepada filem ini bukan sahaja memberi pengalaman membaca yang menyeronokkan, malah...
View full detailsSiri Harry Potter dengan Banduan Azkaban
Siri novel Harry Potter yang ada diantaranya telah diadaptasikan kepada filem ini bukan sahaja memberi pengalaman membaca yang menyeronokkan, malah...
View full detailsSiri Harry Potter dengan Bilik Rahsia
Siri novel Harry Potter yang ada diantaranya telah diadaptasikan kepada filem ini bukan sahaja memberi pengalaman membaca yang menyeronokkan, malah...
View full detailsSiri Harry Potter dengan Batu Hikmat
Siri novel Harry Potter yang ada diantaranya telah diadaptasikan kepada filem ini bukan sahaja memberi pengalaman membaca yang menyeronokkan, malah...
View full detailsEdisi Ilustrasi Harry Potter dalam Kumpulan Phoenix
Explore the magical world of Harry Potter in this captivating full-color Special Edition, a must-have for both loyal fans and newcomers, as Voldemo...
View full details醒梦师之结梦
Dream's End is the conclusion of dreams, the end of nightmares, and the ultimate resolution of everything. 结梦,是梦境的结束,噩梦的终结,一切的完结。 最强梦种子,也被称为睡魔,在吸收...
View full details环山镇之斜塔地下的秘密
The town of Huanshan has been experiencing a series of bizarre incidents: resident Nicole fell to her death, U City student Chen Jiayu died unexpec...
View full detailsHarry Potter dengan Anak Sumpahan
19 years later, Harry Potter and his friends return to Hogwarts with a new generation, facing the challenges of their past and present in a mysteri...
View full details宝藏少年
气质有些阴柔、缺乏自信的罗判,在图书馆偶遇被怨灵纠缠的少女紫一。面对她的求助,胆小的罗判退缩了。 因缘际会下,紫一认出罗判就是她找了很久的人,而他则在伯爵的帮助下唤起前世记忆。罗判得知紫一背负的秘密后,终于鼓起勇气面对自己的命运,希望帮助她逃过死劫。 罗判能否改变彼此的命运,不再让悲剧重演呢?
In the first year of junior high school, Han Fei was enrolled in the water polo team at his mother's arrangement. Through numerous training session...
View full details那些,我们青春错过的事
Transferring student Hua Qiuyu is like a wary hedgehog, often speaking with a prickly tone, and harbors a strong dislike for music due to special r...
View full details醒梦师之狩梦
In the unseen shadows, the Dreamwalker Clan, whose power is steadily rising, is beginning to stir. As the sole surviving member of the Dreamwalker ...
View full details赤子冰魂
Carrying the grudge of her annihilated clan, the young girl Avi bravely abandons escape and chooses to seclude herself in the forest with her maste...
View full details如果世界真有流星雨
新学年如常的分班制,在夏克立国民型中学高三理一班掀起波澜…… 去年考获佳绩而被调班的两个好友若霜和海琪,进入传说中的高三理一班,那会是怎样的情景?面对“外来者”,原生班级的同学又会以怎样的态度和姿态应对? 班级内紧绷的氛围、情绪与关系的拉扯,同学之间是否仍有一颗纯真的心,共同激荡着成长的生命历程?
Legend has it that a mountain spirit guards the Bai Ling Snow Mountain, forbidding outsiders from stepping any further. The daring amateur Yin Yang...
View full details达斯丁死里逃生之牧羊人的摇篮曲
My name is Dustin Linkmin. I've been cursed since birth, destined to die when I turn 12... 我叫达斯丁·林克明,我从出生时起就被诅咒,在我12岁那一年我会死…… <水母怪客> 我去注册身份证...
View full details醒梦师之入梦
Awake Dreamers, also known as Dreamwalkers, possess innate special abilities to traverse between dreams and reality. Apart from the Awake Dreamers,...
View full details神话中的你
A sudden sunshower, two traffic accidents, and several broken hearts led to the encounter of two souls wandering between ancient and modern times, ...
View full details用爱守护你
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have someone so intimately connected to them from the moment they are born. Having each other makes the journey...
View full details非洲大草原、艳阳和你
"This won't be your last time coming to this place," the African woman said to eight-year-old Lu Yi at the time, but he didn't believe her words. "...
View full details即使, 你我身在不同的世界
He is an angel, yet also a demon. He builds walls, dons disguises, preventing anyone from seeing through his thoughts. However, the harm does not e...
View full detailsPengembaraan pada Usia 14 Tahun
Guido Sgardoli, born in Venice in 1965, is an animal lover and author whose passion for animals led him to become a veterinarian before pursuing wr...
View full detailsTerbanglah Kumbang Dengung
Terbanglah Kumbang Dengung focuses on the survival and fate of children during the Japanese War and their spiritual growth throughout the war. This...
View full detailsGerimis Harapan
In Cao Wen Xuan's 2005 novel, two childhood friends, Qing Tong and Kui Hua, grow up together until Kui Hua moves to the city at the age of twelve. ...
View full details恶灵退散之魅影海唇街
在逝者的世界,有一条隐藏在花田里的路,花田里长满闭合的花苞及绿叶。那是只有鬼魂才能到达的地方。传闻彼岸花只盛开于通往天堂之路,走过一路繁花,便是放下执念之时…… 故事的最后,又是谁将踏上亡者之路,待彼岸花开,与一切往事道别?
Since the cliff accident involving a tourist bus a year ago, the town of Huanshan has gradually declined, with accidents occurring one after anothe...
View full details王子沉睡时
Before the world comes to an end, can the two meet again? Noah, the son of man, tightly holds the purple pearl in his hand. He has a task that must...
View full details海中城传奇
Legend has it that the energy crystal of Atlantis can save human lives. Therefore, to save his critically ill brother, Tobias and his friends set o...
View full details嘿, 班长殿下, 请等等!
从小养尊处优的晋锋向来品行欠佳、人缘极差,是人人眼中的问题学生。没想到,班主任竟然把属于正班长的深蓝色领带交给他,让他挑起大梁! 自诩“班长殿下”的晋锋让众人反感却不知反省,好胜心强的他也面对副班长馨羽的竞争。然而在参加与加力亚中学联办的联谊会中,接踵而来的挑战与危机,让他在同学心里的地位产生...
View full details菜鸟老师开课啦!
"Teacher Wu can't teach at all!" Wu Shunxing, a substitute teacher for the third grade at Ping'an Elementary School, looked at the group of little ...
View full detailsBook 可思议之旅
小说《阿曼帝普》的世界正面临崩坏——魔界不断侵犯人界、藏有封印魔王的宝剑的北溪村无故消失,而寻找宝剑的阿曼帝普王子也失去踪影。现实人物萧窦雅进入书中踏上寻找王子之旅,以期为这个世界不寻常的混乱作出补偿。 这一切,要从萧窦雅的恶作剧开始说起……
Edisi Ilustrasi Harry Potter dalam Piala Api
Explore the magical world of Harry Potter in this captivating full-color Special Edition, a must-have for both loyal fans and newcomers, as Voldemo...
View full detailsHarry Potter Haiwan Ajaib dan Tempat Ditemui
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them marks J.K. Rowling's debut as a screenwriter, bringing readers into a new era of the wizarding world. Follo...
View full detailsEdisi Ilustrasi Harry Potter dengan Bantuan Azkaban
Explore the magical world of Harry Potter in this captivating full-color Special Edition, a must-have for both loyal fans and newcomers, as Voldemo...
View full detailsEdisi Ilustrasi Harry Potter dan Bilik Rahsia
Explore the magical world of Harry Potter in this captivating full-color Special Edition, a must-have for both loyal fans and newcomers, as Voldemo...
View full detailsEdisi Ilustrasi Harry Potter dengan Batu Hikmat
Explore the magical world of Harry Potter in this captivating full-color Special Edition, a must-have for both loyal fans and newcomers, as Voldemo...
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