达斯丁死里逃生之 奇运转生
- 错综复杂的人物关系
- 预言与占卜的神秘魅力
- 独特的人物背景
- 动人的情感氛围
- 追求美好结局的决心
The girl Avi, burdened with the vendetta of her annihilated clan, decisively abandons escape and chooses to seclude herself in the forest with her mentor, where she diligently practices magic. Her sole purpose is to one day assist her fugitive kin in returning to their homeland and rebuilding their lives. One day, she encounters Xiazuo, the son of her enemy. Through the guidance of her mentor and the genuine affection of Xiazuo, she begins to let down her guard.
身负灭族之仇的少女艾薇毅然放弃逃亡,选择与老师傅隐居森林并苦练法术,只为将来帮助逃亡的族人回归故土,重建家园。 某天,她邂逅了仇人的儿子夏佐。老师傅的开导和夏佐的情真意切终于使她放下心防,隐居一事却在此时败露。 仇人逼近,身陷险境的同时,夏佐的秘密也深深震撼了她…… 艾薇是继续带着伤疤沉沦于仇恨的深渊,还是选择释怀奔向和平?
- ISBN: 9789674899103
- Bookcode: 9789674899103
- Publication Year: 2019
- Genre: Novel
- Page:
- Weight: 302 g
- Dimensions: 0 x 23 x 17 cm