劲漫画 - 核心防卫 2
- 惊悚的生存挑战
- 层层揭秘的悬疑
- 复杂的角色关系
- 高水平的画风
- 引人入胜的连载故事
On the Island of Yuyechu Middle School, a large group of seemingly ordinary yet mission-bearing students gathers. Wang Shun and others spent a wonderful week in an extremely comfortable environment, finally reaching Saturday's classroom. Facing these still children-like students, the three-dimensional image teacher suddenly announced an incredibly cruel fact—only through battle can one survive! Defeat means disappearance, while victory means continuing the nightmare-like infinite cycle. In times of crisis, can friends be trusted? Will apparent enemies speak the truth? All the excitement unfolds in 'Core Defense'!
- ISBN: 9789830074115
- Bookcode: 9789830074115
- Publication Year: 2018
- Genre: Comic
- Page:
- Weight: 180 g
- Dimensions: 0 x 23 x 17 cm