Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia
- Mengikuti Proforma Terbaharu
- Komprehensif dan Mendalam
- Sesuai untuk Pelbagai Pembaca
- Pengayaan Profesional dan Kepimpinan
- Relevansi dan Praktikal
The book TAMADUN ISLAM & TAMADUN ASIA is written based on the latest format for students and teachers who are currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Education Program (PISMP) at Teacher Education Institutes (IPG) nationwide. This book is also suitable for teachers in service, students of Education Faculties at IPTA/IPTS, and those who are involved and interested in enhancing their knowledge in the field of leadership and professional development.
- ISBN: 9789671313305
- Bookcode: 9789671313305
- Publication Year: 2015
- Genre: Pelangi Professional
- Page:
- Weight: 320 g
- Dimensions: 0 x 26 x 19 cm