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44 Kucing Warna dan Main! Buku 1
44 Cats Colour and Play! Enhance cognitive skills with this 16-page, colorful softcover book for ages 4-7. Features bilingual text (English & M...
View full details44 Kucing Warna dan Main! Buku 2
44 Cats Colour and Play! Enhance cognitive skills with this 16-page, colorful softcover book for ages 4-7. Features bilingual text (English & M...
View full details44 Kucing Warna dan Main! Buku 3
44 Cats Colour and Play! Enhance cognitive skills with this 16-page, colorful softcover book for ages 4-7. Features bilingual text (English & M...
View full details44 Kucing Warna dan Main! Buku 4
44 Cats Colour and Play! Enhance cognitive skills with this 16-page, colorful softcover book for ages 4-7. Features bilingual text (English & M...
View full details44 Kucing Warna dan Main! Buku 5
44 Cats Colour and Play! Enhance cognitive skills with this 16-page, colorful softcover book for ages 4-7. Features bilingual text (English & M...
View full detailsABC Animal We See!
Through rhymes, children learn the alphabet, explore animals from Aa to Zz, and develop auditory, literacy, recall, and vocabulary skills, fosterin...
View full detailsAhli Silap Mata yang Paling Istimewa
Terdapat sekumpulan dinosaur kecil yang hidup di Lembah Dinosaur. Mereka ada personaliti dan tabiat yang tidak baik seperti tidak suka menggosok gi...
View full detailsAI Artificial Intelligence Book 1
These engaging books make AI fun and accessible for primary and secondary students, offering interactive activities to explore real-world AI safely...
View full detailsAI Artificial Intelligence Book 2
These engaging books make AI fun and accessible for primary and secondary students, offering interactive activities to explore real-world AI safely...
View full detailsAI 人工智能 第一卷
这套令人喜出望外的书籍将为中小学生带来有趣的人工智能 (AI) 体验。随着马来西亚教育部计划在 2027年前将人工智能学 习引入小学,这套书籍无疑为学生们提前掌握这一重要技术提供了 绝佳机会。 我们的目标是让人工智能变得有趣且人人触手可及。书里展示 了有效且安全学习人工智能的方式, 并通过多样...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Bahasa Melayu 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4-5-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative thinking, and p...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Bahasa Melayu 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4-5-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative thinking, and p...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Bahasa Melayu 6 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative and innovative th...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Bahasa Melayu 6 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative and innovative th...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang English 4 and 5 Years Old Book 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4-5-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative thinking, and p...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang English 4 and 5 Years Old Book 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4-5-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative thinking, and p...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang English 6 Years Old Book 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative and innovative th...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang English 6 Years Old Book 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds is designed to enhance language and cognitive skills, foster creative and innovative th...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Jawi 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Jawi 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Jawi 6 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Jawi 6 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Matematik Awal 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Matematik Awal 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Matematik Awal 6 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Matematik Awal 6 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Pendidikan Islam 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Pendidikan Islam 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Pendidikan Islam 6 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Pendidikan Islam 6 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Sains Awal 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Sains Awal 4 dan 5 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 4 & 5-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive ski...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Sains Awal 6 Tahun Buku 1
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAktiviti Didik Riang Sains Awal 6 Tahun Buku 2
The "Didik Riang Preschool Activity Series" for 6-year-olds, aligned with the latest curriculum standards, enhances language, cognitive, and creati...
View full detailsAlmari Besar yang Hebat
Terdapat sekumpulan dinosaur kecil yang hidup di Lembah Dinosaur. Mereka ada personaliti dan tabiat yang tidak baik seperti tidak suka menggosok gi...
View full detailsAna yang Pemarah
Terdapat sekumpulan dinosaur kecil yang hidup di Lembah Dinosaur. Mereka sentiasa menghadapi pelbagai situasi dalam kehidupan yang mencetuskan keke...
View full detailsAnak Rimba Books A River For My Family
Popi, a little dragonfly was told by his father one day that they have to leave their river in search for a cleaner river to live in. Saddened by t...
View full detailsAnak Rimba Books Let's Try Something New
Little Ronda doesn't like to try new things. One day she finds herself on an adventure that seems scary at first but turns out to be a day where sh...
View full detailsAnak Rimba Books My Midnight Flora
Flora the baby flying fox couldn't wait to fly like her big cousins but on her very first try, she fell and tumbled to the ground. Feeling sad, Flo...
View full detailsAnak Rimba Books No Roar Day
Teega the little tiger loves to ROARRRR! One day his brother Teebo told him that Teega's Roar was too loud. Feeling upset, Teega then declared that...
View full detailsAnak Rimba Books Why Don't I Look Like You?
Little Timo who goes on a journey with his mother to look for animals who are a bit different - just like him. On their journey, little Timo learns...
View full detailsAplikasi Matematik
The Mathematics Application Book is based on the latest proforma for PISMP students and teachers at IPGs nationwide. It's also suitable for in-serv...
View full detailsArnab di Bulan
Walaupun susuah, Arnab Kecil tidak berputus asa mencari bulan. Menguatamakan kepentingan orang ramai daripada kepentingan diri sendiri Siri buku ce...
View full detailsAsas Kepimpinan dan Perkembangan Profesional
The Basic Leadership & Professional Development Book is based on the latest proforma for PISMP students at IPGs nationwide, also suitable for i...
View full detailsAsas Penyelidikan Dalam Pendidikan
This book is based on the Basic Education Curriculum for Research in Education for students at Teacher Training Institutes (IPG). Besides IPG stude...
View full detailsBaby Shark Creativity Activity Book 1 Animals
This activity book sparks creativity and learning for young minds, introducing them to animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, and fruits through songs and e...
View full detailsBaby Shark Creativity Activity Book 2 Dinosaurs
This activity book sparks creativity and learning for young minds, introducing them to animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, and fruits through songs and e...
View full detailsBaby Shark Creativity Activity Book 3 Vehicles
This activity book sparks creativity and learning for young minds, introducing them to animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, and fruits through songs and e...
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