Top Class 2021 Biology Form 5
- Comprehensive Study Materials
- SMART Notes and Tips
- Worked Examples
- Holistic Practice
- Enhanced Learning Initiatives
Top Class KSSM is tailored for the new SPM Assessment Format 2021, offering comprehensive resources to excel in school-based assessments and the SPM exam. Key features include SMART Notes, Worked Examples, Topical Practices, SPM Practices, HOTS Challenges, and Year-End Assessments. With QR code access to PAK-21 activities, fully worked solutions, and a PdPR package, it supports 21st-century learning and ensures students are well-prepared for success.
Top Class KSSM direka khas untuk memenuhi keperluan Format Pentaksiran SPM 2021, menawarkan bahan komprehensif untuk cemerlang dalam pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah dan peperiksaan SPM. Ciri utama termasuk Nota SMART, Contoh Soalan Berguna, Latihan Topikal, Latihan SPM, Cabaran KBAT, dan Pentaksiran Akhir Tahun. Dengan akses kod QR untuk aktiviti PAK-21, solusi lengkap, dan pakej PdPR, ia menyokong pembelajaran abad ke-21 dan memastikan pelajar bersedia untuk berjaya.
- ISBN: 9789672907886
- Bookcode: IC095141
- Publication Year: 2021
- Genre: Academic Workbooks
- Page: 150
- Weight: 0.29 kg
- Dimensions: 29.5 (W) x 21 cm (H)