Think and Slide What Sport is it?
- Engaging Guessing Games
- Interactive Learning
- Comprehensive Resource
- Innovative Answer Checking
- Enhanced AR Experience
Playing guessing games is not only enjoyable but also beneficial for children's development in various aspects. Integrating such games into the teaching and learning process can enhance language skills, cognitive abilities, and social interaction among children. With the Think and Slide Cards series comprising four sets, educators have an engaging resource to enliven lessons. Each card presents clues for children to guess the answer, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, an AR app adds an extra dimension to learning, offering interactive 3D experiences for a fun and immersive educational journey.
- ISBN: 9781781871546
- Bookcode: 9781781871546
- Publication Year: 2021
- Genre: Puzzles
- Page:
- Weight: 360 g
- Dimensions: 3 x 26 x 12 cm