- 错综复杂的人物关系
- 预言与占卜的神秘魅力
- 独特的人物背景
- 动人的情感氛围
- 追求美好结局的决心
In the unseen shadows, the Dreamwalker Clan, whose power is steadily rising, is beginning to stir. As the sole surviving member of the Dreamwalker Clan, Xiyu, driven by the desire for revenge for the "Dreams Annihilation Incident" perpetrated by the Awake Dreamers, spares no effort in traveling far and wide to find scattered Dream Seeds.
在看不见的暗处,势力日渐崛起的梦魇族开始蠢蠢欲动。 目前仅存于世的唯一梦魇族的族人——西柚,为了报复之前醒梦师们的“灭梦事件”,不惜一切代价,周游各地寻找散落的梦种子,还与大批贪婪的人类签订狩猎魔人契约。她指挥着狩猎魔人,在世界各个角落设下大量梦境,并影响梦中人,借此扩大梦魇族的势力范围。 四处暗潮汹涌,梦魇族的影子正一步步笼罩整个世界……
- ISBN: 9789674896423
- Bookcode: 9789674896423
- Publication Year: 2023
- Genre: Novel
- Page:
- Weight: 200 g
- Dimensions: 0 x 23 x 17 cm