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Teacher And Current Challenges (eBook)

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Original price RM20.00
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Current price RM20.00

The teaching profesion will require you to wear many hats such as: Communicator, Counsellor, Disciplinarian, Surrogate Parent, and Role Model. Each of these hats requires practice and skills that are often not taught in teacher preparation programs. In the teaching profesion ,the work day does not end when the bell rings. This profesion will require additional time sacrifice to engage in important activities such as: serving on committees, grading homework, calling/meeting with parents, and assisting students after school. As educational leaders, classroom teachers, students and parents will agree, 21st century teaching carries with it a complicated mix of challenges and opportunities. Challenges include the issues of teacher turnover, accountability, changing student populations and student expectations, mounting budget pressures, and intense demand to build students 21st century skills. This book contaions six chapters and cohesively well arranged starting with content, learning outcomes to be achieved, mind maps, proposed activities, including i-THINK questions, self-access, High order Thinking (hot) questions and enhancing Habits of Mind (HOM). It is hoped that this book will become a reference and guide a to teachers. If you are training to become a teacher, you should learn the challenges that await you in the classroom, and use skills such as your creativity, determination and flexibility to help guide you through these challenges and help you emerge a successful and effective educator.

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  • ISBN: ipgc0006
  • Bookcode: 90680
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Genre: Pelangi Professional (eBooks)
  • Page:
  • Weight:
  • Dimensions:
About The Author

Pushpavalli Appoo Ph.D, Norain Md.Noor Ph.D, V.Murali Tharan, Velloo Ragavan, Mohd.Roslan.Abd.Razak

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