Master Editing Workbook 7
- Focus on Essential Elements
- Educational Standards Alignment
- Practical Exercises
- Clear Learning Objectives
- Progressive Learning
The Master Editing series is published on the understanding that the tips and the exercises in the eight graded workbooks will help students learn the editing skill of identifying and correcting errors, which is an important part of the learning of a language, especially the writing process. These elements are the backbone of a language that a learner or a user must understand in order to write effectively and accurately. Writing effectively means the ability to express clearly what one thinks, feels or wants. Writing accurately means the absence of errors that will hinder understanding of meaning.
- ISBN: 9789811405464
- Bookcode: 9789811405464
- Publication Year: 2019
- Genre: Primary
- Page: 66
- Weight: 190 g
- Dimensions: 0 x 26 x 19 cm