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The town of Huanshan has been experiencing a series of bizarre incidents: resident Nicole fell to her death, U City student Chen Jiayu died unexpec...
View full details环山镇之灵异巴士
Since the cliff accident involving a tourist bus a year ago, the town of Huanshan has gradually declined, with accidents occurring one after anothe...
View full details环山镇之白灵雪山的传说
Legend has it that a mountain spirit guards the Bai Ling Snow Mountain, forbidding outsiders from stepping any further. The daring amateur Yin Yang...
View full details环山镇之阴魂不散的网球队
环山旅馆全员忙着筹备圣诞节倒数活动,凡事要求完美的颜怡幽却屡屡受挫,她的自信备受动摇。 与此同时,R城中学网球队遭遇交通事故而惨死,造成多名鬼球员作祟,颜怡幽也成了他们伤害的目标之一。她觉得被鬼缠身的自己成了同伴的累赘,心情更加沮丧。 在调查鬼球员事件时,众人发现此事牵涉到学弟雷全谊和R城中学...
View full details环山镇之阴魂不散的网球队 (eBook)
环山旅馆全员忙着筹备圣诞节倒数活动,凡事要求完美的颜怡幽却屡屡受挫,她的自信备受动摇。 与此同时,R城中学网球队遭遇交通事故而惨死,造成多名鬼球员作祟,颜怡幽也成了他们伤害的目标之一。她觉得被鬼缠身的自己成了同伴的累赘,心情更加沮丧。 在调查鬼球员事件时,众人发现此事牵涉到学弟雷全谊和R城中学...
View full details用爱守护你
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have someone so intimately connected to them from the moment they are born. Having each other makes the journey...
View full details神话中的你
A sudden sunshower, two traffic accidents, and several broken hearts led to the encounter of two souls wandering between ancient and modern times, ...
View full details神隐少年
若无相欠,怎会相见? 夕阳下,郝仁偶遇一名神秘的白衣少女。两人四目相对之际,命运的齿轮便开始逆转,前世恩怨正式掀开序幕。 在神秘花香的指引下,郝仁踏上了白衣少女为他铺好的不归路,闯入那不属于他的神灵世界。 在神明那双蓝色眼眸的注视下,郝仁能否渡过劫难,平安归来?他和白衣少女之间的纠...
View full details科学实验王 24 - 能量守恒定律
The subjects discussed encompass energy conversion, force transmission, thermodynamics, exemplified by hand warmer production and supersaturated so...
View full details科学实验王 30 - 燃烧与灭火
The topics cover the phenomenon of combustion in materials, the substances produced during combustion, the definition and conditions of combustion,...
View full details红魔女事件簿之山妖作祟
红魔女团队受到同学阿凯的邀请,共赴他的家乡参与一个寻宝游戏。 原本以为会是个平淡的旅行,华真与萤莹却在村内著名景点之一的情人桥,见到了传说中的山妖!之后,接二连三所发生的事情,都与山妖扯上关系。山妖到底是什么?避而不谈的村民究竟想隐瞒什么事情?这一切都挑起了红魔女四人的侦探细胞!红魔女能否成功...
View full details自从遇见你
平安夜里,寂寞的宇杰在阳台望月沉思,一如既往地独自迎接圣诞节的到来。然而,一个突然出现在庭院中翩翩起舞的美丽精灵却在毫无预警下闯入他的世界,进入他的生命。为了替宇杰解开心结、完成自己的任务,孤注一掷的她展开了一个令人意想不到的“作战计划”,结果…… 自从遇见她,宇杰的世界就开始天翻地覆! 动人...
View full details英文书写 200 篇 4.5.6 年级 200 Contoh Penulisan 2025 Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 4.5.6
"Teacher Wu can't teach at all!" Wu Shunxing, a substitute teacher for the third grade at Ping'an Elementary School, looked at the group of little ...
View full details诺亚王子第1卷 - 神秘的古埃及哈特谢普苏特的遗愿
Noah's five princes went to Egypt for a field study. Unexpectedly, Eless, Dandy, and Christopher were captured and their lives were in danger. Can ...
View full details诺亚王子第2卷 - 神秘的古埃及寻找纳芙蒂蒂的卡诺卜坛
This time, Jinchi Lu, Zhao, Horus, and Eless's task is to find the five lost Canopic jars to resurrect the scattered soul of Nafetiti and save Dand...
View full details诺亚王子第3卷 - 神秘的古埃及寻找妮菲塔莉的密函
Just as one wave subsides, another rises! While Xiao Jin's curse remains unbroken, Christopher is captured by Ramesses II. Can Zhao pass Nefertiti'...
View full details诺亚王子第4卷 - 神秘古埃及尹西斯的魔咒
The surprise transformation of Isis into Professor Amunet led to the capture of Little Kin on the banks of the Nile River. Why did Isis seize Littl...
View full details赤子冰魂
Carrying the grudge of her annihilated clan, the young girl Avi bravely abandons escape and chooses to seclude herself in the forest with her maste...
View full details达斯丁死里逃生之 奇运转生
The girl Avi, burdened with the vendetta of her annihilated clan, decisively abandons escape and chooses to seclude herself in the forest with her ...
View full details达斯丁死里逃生之牧羊人的摇篮曲
My name is Dustin Linkmin. I've been cursed since birth, destined to die when I turn 12... 我叫达斯丁·林克明,我从出生时起就被诅咒,在我12岁那一年我会死…… <水母怪客> 我去注册身份证...
View full details达斯丁死里逃生之血谎异虫
My name is Dustin Linkmin. I've been cursed since birth, destined to die when I turn 12... 我叫达斯丁·林克明,我从出生时起就被诅咒,在我12岁那一年我会死…… 【魔狼的圣女】12岁生日那天,我遇见了一...
View full details遵守规则的孩子们举手
怪兽袭击了幸福国度,引起了人民的愤怒,于是大家团结一致让怪兽吃点苦头。但心地善良的国王要求人民住手,还教导大家怎么以理智和善心打败愤怒。只有把团结用在正确的地方,才能让国家回归和平。 此系列故事书是由泰国知名作者和插画家共同创作。让孩子从阅读故事中,吸取道德价值观,正确思考与感知这个世界…….
失忆与瘫痪让花栋森自卑,从此封闭自己。 但一通自称是他弟弟的奇怪来电、一群来千灯镇度假的少年、一个看似不可能完成的晚会筹备任务,不只打破他孤寂的生活,更让他在某次临场表演中重拾破碎的记忆片段。 为了找回记忆,花栋森加入少年们的晚会筹备团队。过程中,他也逐渐打开心扉,却在看似顺利的进展中爆发...
View full details那些,我们青春错过的事
Transferring student Hua Qiuyu is like a wary hedgehog, often speaking with a prickly tone, and harbors a strong dislike for music due to special r...
View full details醒梦师之入梦
Awake Dreamers, also known as Dreamwalkers, possess innate special abilities to traverse between dreams and reality. Apart from the Awake Dreamers,...
View full details醒梦师之狩梦
In the unseen shadows, the Dreamwalker Clan, whose power is steadily rising, is beginning to stir. As the sole surviving member of the Dreamwalker ...
View full details醒梦师之结梦
Dream's End is the conclusion of dreams, the end of nightmares, and the ultimate resolution of everything. 结梦,是梦境的结束,噩梦的终结,一切的完结。 最强梦种子,也被称为睡魔,在吸收...
View full details阳光使者
For Fang Yuhang, an ordinary-looking girl who loves to weave dreams, her biggest dream is to become a shining star. Her childhood friend, Zhou Shao...
View full details非洲大草原、艳阳和你
"This won't be your last time coming to this place," the African woman said to eight-year-old Lu Yi at the time, but he didn't believe her words. "...
View full details鬼话少年
He is an angel, yet also a demon. He builds walls, dons disguises, preventing anyone from seeing through his thoughts. However, the harm does not e...
View full details魂之声
风晗夜,一名品学兼优的模范生,表面看似人生赢家,然而沉重包袱的背后,是他的孤单和寂寞。 凌羽,一名人人眼中的问题少年,可谁曾想过嬉皮笑脸的外表下,藏着一颗自卑的心。 一场突如其来的车祸,让这对性格迥然的表兄弟,以一人一魂的姿态,展开了荒诞又奇妙的旅程。 两个灵魂深处动荡的声音,能否被听见?
魂之声 (eBooks)
风晗夜,一名品学兼优的模范生,表面看似人生赢家,然而沉重包袱的背后,是他的孤单和寂寞。 凌羽,一名人人眼中的问题少年,可谁曾想过嬉皮笑脸的外表下,藏着一颗自卑的心。 一场突如其来的车祸,让这对性格迥然的表兄弟,以一人一魂的姿态,展开了荒诞又奇妙的旅程。 两个灵魂深处动荡的声音,能否...
View full details魔法文字系列 对不起, 我不是故意的
After the heavy rain, the forest became lush and vibrant. Mother duck took her ducklings for a walk around. However, the ducklings were walking car...
View full details魔法文字系列 谢谢, 你真好
On a scorching hot evening, as the blazing sun continued to radiate its light, a ripe green eggplant fell from the tree and rolled aimlessly downhi...
View full details魔狼的圣女
My name is Dustin Linkmin. I've been cursed since birth. When I turn 12, I'll die... 我叫达斯丁• 林克明,我从出生时起就被诅咒,在我12岁那一年我会死…… <魔狼的圣女> 12岁生日那天,我遇见...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 1 - 来历不明的生物
In the peaceful forest, each animal practices different magic. However, Homer can only do chores every day and cause mischief everywhere. However, ...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 10 - 大海中的恶魔
Homer and his companions went to the sea and met Pinot, the dolphin, by the shore. At Pinot's request, Homer and Mamming tried to defeat the demon ...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 2 - 没有尾巴的战士
In the second round of the Golden Warrior Selection Competition, it's a one-on-one combat where each participant showcases their unique magical ski...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 3 - 河马大王的秘密
In the midst of the Golden Warrior Selection Competition, Homer suddenly loses his tail and his fur begins to fall out, shocking everyone present! ...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 4 - 魔王的盔甲
Trapped in the dungeon by the Hippo King, Homer and the warriors face dire circumstances. Kayutai is unable to use magic, Homer still struggles to ...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 5 - 草原的统治者
Homer encounters Rabbi, a young lion cub being chased by a pack of hyenas. Lions and hyenas are natural enemies on the savannah. Does Homer have a ...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 6 - 沙漠动物的特技
In the desert, Homer and Mamu encounter a powerful sand monster! Various magical animals inhabit the desert! Which animal can bite open bones? Whic...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 7 - 最强的求生本领
To find out what happened to Kayutai, Homer and Mamu embarked on a journey through the desert, only to encounter a powerful sand monster along the ...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 8 - 河神的传说
Homer and Mamu finally arrived at the fertile wetlands. Suddenly, birds flew over to greet them, not only speaking to them but also warmly welcomin...
View full details黄金战士大冒险 9 - 鸟类之神
Homer and Mamu, upon learning the story of the River God, devised a battle plan to force him to appear! In their confrontation with the River God, ...
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