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As the saying goes: ‘Everyone is a reader, some just haven’t found their favourite book yet.’

Pelangi is always committed to publishing books that could be someone’s favourite someday.

We have published a variety of books from children storybooks, novels, comics, activity books, reference books, exam model papers, up to Pre-U study materials. We are constantly doing our best in publishing a more comprehensive book range that can cater to every learner.

As the saying goes: ‘Everyone is a reader, some just haven’t found their favourite book yet.’

Pelangi is always committed to publishing books that could be someone’s favourite someday.

We have published a variety of books from children storybooks, novels, comics, activity books, reference books, exam model papers, up to Pre-U study materials. We are constantly doing our best in publishing a more comprehensive book range that can cater to every learner.

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